Monday, June 2, 2008

Matt being corny

Summertime is almost here. That means sunshine, long days.bbq's with friends and corn, we love corn on the cob can you tell.

NW Trek

Last month Elizabeth had a field trip to NW Trek. I (Wes) went along and got to chaperon 4 other kids, 4 of the 5 didn't listen very well so it wasn't much different than what I'm used to at home(Elizabeth wasn't the 1 that was obeying either). It was a great time and Elizabeth being one of the older kids in class seems to be big sister type to alot of different kids in the class. ( Maybe its because she can be a little bossy) but seriously she is very motherly and is always concerned for everyone else, its so sweet and I'm joyful that God has made her heart so.